Another successful Oklahoma Get Together...


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What can I say but other then we had a blast...

Even though there was just a few folks that showed up to it this year. We still had a great time...

Everyone showed up here at around 9am. this morning. It didn't take long for the bows to break out and the shooting to start. Once we all got our bows checked out we headed off down the road to a 3-D Range that was located about a 1 1/2 - 2 mles down road from me.

We all shot 20 targets and then headed back to the house for a meal fit for a King...

Gator fried up some fish and hush puppies for us and my wife had cole slaw and brown beans made up to go with it along with some brownies, cream cheese pies, watermelon and these things I call pin wheels and drinks of your choice...

I ate so much I can't move now...Man it was goooood...

Everyone shot super good...

Here are the winners of this years 3-D shoot...

Open Class:

Okiedog - 168

Rangefinder Class:

Hutch - 171

Ladies Class:

Okiedogs wife - DeAnna - 169

Kids Class:

Cole - 122

Laurie - 94

Trophies and awards went to all the kids and to the winners in there division...

I would like to thank each and everyone of you that came. I had a great time as always spending the day with friends and forum members...

Hope to see more of you folks next year...


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Dale, my family and I had a great time. Thanks for all you hard work and time putting these on. Dwin, thanks for your effort and time getting the shirts made up for us too. Great to see Cole doing so well with his new bow. It was great to finally meet somore forums members and put a face with a name.

I'll watch for a picture thread. I've got some I took of my group while shooting. I'll try to get them loaded up and ready to throw in the thread too:D

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Yep a great time had by all. Big shout out to Kyle. He shot his first ever unknown 3d range and didn't even lose any arrow. Congrats buddy. Gator the fish was excellent and Dale thanks for giving us all the place to get together. Dale you forgot to mention Mike (Roadkill10) retained the rubber chicken. BTW this course was alot of fun. Hard shots. Some that rocks would be partially covering the 12 ring. Can't wait til bowcamp.

Dale sounds like you all had fun today. man im sorry i missed out on the fun, good food and the story telling. i might be in the area on the week of 4th of july. i iwll stop in and say hi.

Shoot Strong


Hey Tony, Pretty good tourney going on July 7th at that course by Dales House. Giving away 2 brand new Ross bows.

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Yep, had a good time, just wish I could have shot better, but what do you expect when you have to resight your bow in the morning of!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks guys, glad ya'll liked the fish. I GOT to get up there and snag me a spoonbill!!!!!!!!! That is some good stuff!!!!!

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Yep, had a good time, just wish I could have shot better, but what do you expect when you have to resight your bow in the morning of!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks guys, glad ya'll liked the fish. I GOT to get up there and snag me a spoonbill!!!!!!!!! That is some good stuff!!!!!

This next spring... make plans. You can keep one a day and about 3.5 miles from the house you can literally catch them almost every cast (ranging from 25lbs to well over 60lbs.).

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