My poor little girl...


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...dislocated her elbow last Saturday night, jumping on a friends midnight.....with flashlights....with 3 others girls at the same time....while her friends parents "supervised"....?? :mad::confused::confused:

Doctors took xrays and said it was completely dislocated with a small fracture on her growth plate. Her softball season is over for this year, she'll be in a soft cast for 2 weeks then a removable splint for 3-4 weeks after that.

On another note, she is a trooper for sure, never shed a tear through the whole process. The actual dislocation, IV and a local shot, etc....

She is feeling 100% better now though. ;)

Here is my sad little girl in the ER:

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OUCH..I felt that. :(

Sorry to hear that Tom. When are people going to learn it's not safe to have more than one person on the trampoline at a time? It's just an accident waiting to happen.:rolleyes:

Hope Hailey heals up good, and completely. Those injuries can come back to haunt you later on in life :(

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Guest outdoorgirl

Sorry to hear your daughter got hurt :( I have nothing good to say about trampolines because i know of a young man that got hurt on one and messed up his leg so bad he will never walk normal again with countless surgery's and talks about amputation in the future. Please keep a watchful eye on your young ones.

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