in need to muzzleloader 101

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Hey guys,

I just applied for my first ever muzzleloader tag after i received a muzzleloader for my birthday. I have never shot one, never witnessed anyone shoot one, and dont even know how to load the thing. I've been bowhunting and shotgun hunting in Illinois for 6 years, but muzzeloaders are foreign to me. It's a Knight muzzleloader, and im asking, what is your recommendations for ammuntion that i need to buy? Like i said, dont leave anything out, becuz you cant assume i know anything. I figured i better come to the experts. Thanks everyone...

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first off, read bluelks muzzleloading chapters, which are a sticky in these forums. That will help you more than anything. Then read your owners manuel. When my dad got his Knight, it came with an instructional DVD that pretty much explained everything, specifically cleaning it, which is very important for a muzzleloader. I don't know if you got one of those, but if you did, I would highly reccomend you to watch it at least once.

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first off, read bluelks muzzleloading chapters, which are a sticky in these forums. That will help you more than anything. Then read your owners manuel. When my dad got his Knight, it came with an instructional DVD that pretty much explained everything, specifically cleaning it, which is very important for a muzzleloader. I don't know if you got one of those, but if you did, I would highly reccomend you to watch it at least once.

Ditto with the pimp daddy.:D

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Hi Sam, congrats on getting your muzzleblaster :p You sure have alot of fun in your future . The people in here have lots of great info for you to try. I agree a 100% in reading Bluelks

room, I had the great opportunity to have a chance on hunting with him in Tenn. before he passed away on us.

Please read on shooting different loads to find the best one that your gun shoots the best, they are all different.

I have had 3 rifles, all TC, and they all shot better with different powder or bullets. I am not an expert LOL. There really isn't one out there with how the different rifles group, only shooting them will tell, ( not bad, it is alot of fun blasting away )I have a TC Encore right now. I am using 100 grns. of 777 now, with the 295 grn. powerbelts. That doesn't mean squat though :rolleyes: your knight may shoot great with that load, or maybe not. It would help if you could tell us on how far your shots might be, and what you will be shooting.

I prefer the powder pellets in 777 or pyrodex. I can get them in 50 grn.and 30 grn. Many shooters prefer lose powder in

their guns . I am lucky that 2- 50 grn. pellets work great for me. AJ in here has great info on loads also. Please let us know about any questions you have, good shooting. :D


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