Plot progress. (pics)

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Well I havent posted any progress in a couple weeks so i thought i better keep it going.



We have also put in a new plot. On the outside it is 20 rows of corn in a U shape. In the open end of the U there is 2 rows corn. On the inside is a mixture of stuff, from sorghum, sunflowers, and some type of pheasants forever tall grass mix. It is all round up ready also.


I doodled with this one, so you can see where the corn and the other stuff is.


We will probably plant 75 lbs of soy beans this week and our spring plots will be done. I am not sure what we are gonna plant in the fall. So far I know shot plot for one, anyone have a couple ideas for an attractant to plant or a plot to hunt over?

Here are a couple more pics from inside my woods so you guys know what i am talking about when i say my woods is thick.

This is a trail we cut for the 4 wheeler.


and here is looking off the trail to the right, found a halfway open area


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