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According to the University of Nebraska Head Football coach those of us who support Sooner football are nothing but a bunch of redneck hillbillies. Now you telling me there is a perception that bowhunters are rednecks. When one person calls you a redneck, no big deal, but now I am starting to get a complex.

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Guest antlers21

Re: Rednecks?

I too am a redneck I reckon. Gots me a bow with some fancy new carbon arrows for her. Even gots me one of dem der targets that look like a deer. I reckon I am a readneck. smirk.gif

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Re: Rednecks?


Rednecks and hillbillies are two different things around here and you can't be both.

According to everyone I know I'm the biggest redneck they've ever met. Now my uncle is the biggest hillbilly I ever met.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL...geesh I have no clue can't ever remenber being called either....but if I'm a hillbilly just because I Bow Hunt, then do be it.. grin.gif

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Re: Rednecks?

I live in a red-neck community, but am a transplant. I do however fit in very well with the good-ol boys, and have several friends of the red-neck species. Maybe I am an adopted red-neck!! If I could be so lucky! My good friend is the biggest red-neck of all. You know how people put those fake bullet hole decals on their trucks, well..he's got the real thing...lots of them. Got drunk one night..truck wouldn't the shotgun and shot it dead...but it's a Chevy so it still runs after he put in a new battery... smirk.gif

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Re: Rednecks?

let the elite make their statements about me as a bow hunter and redneck. the way i see it is my hair has always been white and neck has always been red and my collar has always been blue so if that is red neck then i'm it and it doesn't even have to include bowhunting and i resemble what they say

nothing better than being a redneck and jeff worthy might if your house has wheels then you might be a redneck is not a slur any more lol

rob k

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