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So sorry to hear of this loss. Prayers go out to his wife and children. It is comforting to know that David was one of those special individuals whose mission in life was to help others, especially children. The saying,"only the good die young" certainly comes to truth with his passing.

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Found this at the Detroit News:

Memorial services

There will be a service for Dr. David Ashburn, one of six people who died in the plane crash over Lake Michigan, at noon Friday at Grace Bible Church, 1300 S. Maple Road in Ann Arbor. Memorial contributions may be sent to the Dr. David Ashburn Memorial Fund at any National City Bank, or National City Bank, 8123 Main St., Dexter, MI, 48130.

The service for Dr. Martin Spoor will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Westside United Methodist Church, 900 S. Seventh, Ann Arbor.


University of Michigan has set up a Web site for the public to offer tributes and share thoughts about the six men who perished.

To contribute, visit http://www2.med.umich.edu/prmc/survival_flight/share.cfm

I urge members to post a message on there, you will be touched by those that already did and David was a hero to a lot of people and did things he never would have told us on here!

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Uhhgg,man,what a tradegy.I don't even know what to say.I can't imagine what his family is going through.I heard about this in the news,but the thought never crossed my mind that it might be one of our own.I will most definately keep his family in my prayers.No doubt they are going down a rough road.

Although I never met David in person,I could tell he was a very genuine man.He always was willing to help someone whenever he could and will be missed dearly here at Realtree.:(

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What a heartbreaking tragedy. I'm sitting here at work fighting back the tears. David was such a great member here and part of our family. I will miss reading his posts and his knowledge here on RT. I feel like I just lost a member of my own family. If there is any positive side to this story it is his personal relationship with Jesus Christ and knowing that he is in heaven right now. I look forward to meeting him there one day.

David--you will be missed. I will pray for your family and hope they find peace knowing you are with the Prince of Peace.

God Bless


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When I first heard about the plane crash and what they were transporting, I immediately thought of Exturkinator. I came on here looking for a thread about him maybe. When I didn't see one immediately I thought the best. Then I come on and saw the sticky at the top for the donations and my heart sank. I didn't know David as well as some on here, but he was always polite and respectful and we always traded respectful and helpful comments. Like was posted earlier, it's strange when you can feel sorrow over someone you haven't met in person, but many of us form close bonds on here just through arguments, jokes, doctored photos, and all in good fun ribbing. I can openly admit that there are some on here that is something were to happen to them, I would be just as upset as if I lost a member of my own family. Prayers go out to his family. Enjoy heaven David, we'll see you someday.

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New your right, you wonder why some have to leave so early especially when they have so much to give down here but its God's plan. He needed another hero and on that day he got 6 of them. Sad that we lost our friend David but all we can do is have the faith that someday we will meet up with him and when we do he'll say the turkey hunting up in heaven is unbelieveable!

He had a ton of friends that cared for him so all we can do is keep his memory alive on here and in our hunts.

Makes you want to cherish each day and your family and friends as much as possible because when God says its time you have no say in it. So enjoy the ride down here as much as possible!

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Sometimes things happen in life that make you want to call time out and simply yell "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE". This is one of those things.

He had so much to give his children and his community and it is all gone.



I've been battling with the same thoughts too New. :(

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