A kick in the pants from God!


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I don’t drink any alcohol. I haven’t in years. I read an article once about drinking and faith. I whole heartily agreed with the article.

While the Bible often mentions drinking Wine it does not condone drinking in excess. Noah did drink in excess and passed out in a tent. It never said that he sinned. But much like the article, it talked about not tempting one’s self. I agree.

My personal opinion is that Christ wouldn’t like me drinking. Granted they did drink wine back then but Dr. Pepper wasn’t readily available. Wine was a very available drink and was not looked at as a past time, means of entertainment, etc. I know a lot of faiths believe that drinking is perfectly OK. I personally disagree (at least on the scale some carry it to). I’ve been to a wedding and watched people getting bombed at a Church!

I look at it like this, if Christ was walking the earth would he partake? I doubt it. Would he drink tea? Quite possibly and no doubt tea before alcohol. He lead by example and wouldn’t think of confusing his disciples. Granted he drank wine back in his day but it was simply something to drink. It was also a natural process that happened. It wasn’t a manufactured drink that intently held any volume of alcohol.

Anyway that said, God deals with me on odd stuff. A bunch of guys here are the office are going at 5:30 to “have a few.” They invited me. Keep in mind this is a bar and grill. I was hesitant to say the least about going because the word “Bar” is there. While I do slip there are some things I can prevent myself from doing. Yet this would greatly increase my relationship with big names in this company.

That’s when God kicked me in the pants. I’ve been toiling with this all week. Granted I was drinking tea or soda but going to this place (Sports bar) had a weight on me. Finally God got to me (Conviction, Conviction, Conviction!).

Our Pastor often preaches, “If you have to ask the answer is No!”

“Pastor, do you think it would be alright if……..?”


His words echoed in my head and instantly I had my answer. With the flesh tugging the other way I typed the email and graciously declined. This changing to a filled Pentecostal believer sure is hard on a guy! I went to church for years and wouldn’t have hesitated. Now that I’m truly living for the Lord (or trying) it’s an entirely different ball game! I’ve given up much (or what I would consider much) but I’ve gained ten fold.

Thank you Lord for your spirit of Conviction, it lets me know you care.

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It was Noah. Genesis Chapter 9 Verse 21:

"21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. "

If you go to Matt. 24;38.... this will confirm drinking was considered a sin, along with a few other sins people tend to overlook. Although this instance was after the flood, I dont think God would change his mind from before the flood.

Here are some verses on thew subject.

Some of the passages that apply are:

Ephesians 5:18-19 - "Be not drunken with wine, wherein is riot, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord."

1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7 (about elders) - "Not given to wine, no striker …"

1 Timothy 3:8 - "Deacons, in like manner, must be grave, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre." (Note that it doesn't say not given to wine, but rather not to much wine.)

1 Timothy 5:3 - "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities." (Both sides use this text. One says that the text says it's acceptable to drink wine in moderation. The other says, "See. Paul had to tell Timothy to take wine medicinally because he would not use it otherwise.")

Luke 7:33-34 - "For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine and ye say He hath a devil. The Son of Man came eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners." (This indicates, perhaps, that Jesus was known for drinking alcoholic wine as opposed to John who would not even drink grape juice.)

John 2 - The turning of water into wine at a wedding feast in Cana. Again, both sides argue from this one, although the stronger argument seems to me to be that Jesus turned the water into alcoholic wine, not merely grape juice. Alcohol would be common at such a feast, and nobody would praise grape juice over the wine they had been drinking if it had no alcoholic content.)

Romans 14:21 - "It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby they brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak."

1 Peter 4:3-4 - "For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatires; wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you."

Proverbs 20:1 - "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging; and whosoever is deceived therby is not wise." See also Proverbs 23:30-35, which accurately describes the drunkard.

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Guest Andrea

I don't drink. But I have eaten at Applebee's. Chili's, Ruby Tuesday's, TGI Friday's, and though all of these are "bar and grill" type establishments......I really don't think anything is wrong with eating there.

But good for you Jeramie in sticking to your convictions. That is so hard to do sometimes!!!!

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Let me throw the entire situation out there. This place is a lot like Applebee’s (only not a chain). They have a “Bar Area” but then again so does Olive Garden. The main dilemma I had was they were using it as a bar. They were actually there to discuss work and buddy up but beer was involved. If they were going down to have Cokes I would have went without guilt.

In the end I didn’t want to associate myself with drinking, even socially. I knew better, I just wanted the conformation. I got it…..

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Could drinking your tea in a sports bar be setting another example? You could have made an excellent example of a designated driver if someone needed it. Possibly even saving a life.

I understand what you're saying, sort of.

It doesn't apply like that with me. Once saved you are suppose to separate your life from sin. I personally believe that drinking is a sin so going to associate with that would be a sin. By offering to be a designated driver I approved of their drinking.

I let everyone know around here I dont cuss, make rude comments, etc. I play gospel music quite often and its loud enough for passers in the hall to hear. Simply walking through the doors with a group of guys on their way to have beer would and could send mixed signals.

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Guest swampfox

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Eph 5:11

It has been a while since I was in a bar room, but the last time I was in there the activities and conversations could generally be characterized as "works of darkness."

Trying to accomodate this sin-loving and God-hating world seems to always weaken God's people. I think you did right, Jeremie. I can't picture Elijah or John the Baptist or Paul in that bar room.

For an example of how friendship with the world tends toward compromise see this link from a recent CNN story:


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Guest Andrea
Let me throw the entire situation out there. This place is a lot like Applebee’s (only not a chain). They have a “Bar Area” but then again so does Olive Garden. The main dilemma I had was they were using it as a bar. They were actually there to discuss work and buddy up but beer was involved. If they were going down to have Cokes I would have went without guilt.

In the end I didn’t want to associate myself with drinking, even socially. I knew better, I just wanted the conformation. I got it…..

I gotcha. Yeah, you'd definitely be sending mixed signals. ;)

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I think you did right, Jeremie. I can't picture Elijah or John the Baptist or Paul in that bar room.


While I agree with you saying that these are areas of temptation, and we should probably avoid them, I would also think that these are exactly the places where your example may make the biggest impact. We must surround ourselves with fellow christians in order to strengthen our faith, but sometimes I think going to places like this as an ambassador of christ is as important. You don't have to go to foreign countrys to do missionary work, you can do it right here!!

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While I agree with you saying that these are areas of temptation, and we should probably avoid them, I would also think that these are exactly the places where your example may make the biggest impact. We must surround ourselves with fellow christians in order to strengthen our faith, but sometimes I think going to places like this as an ambassador of christ is as important. You don't have to go to foreign countrys to do missionary work, you can do it right here!!

Now we are in the gray area.... :p:D

Mathew: 9

11And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?

12But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

13. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Actually you have to come to the Lord and give your live over as free will. I wonder if going into certain areas is required? Perhaps it would be better to be ready for those in need sometimes? Man I still have a lot of growing to do..... ;)

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Guest swampfox

I would also think that these are exactly the places where your example may make the biggest impact... but sometimes I think going to places like this as an ambassador of christ is as important.

I agree that going where the lost are is important. I have been witnessing to lost folks OUTSIDE of bar rooms numerous times. The highways and the byways are great places to go as ambassadors. Jesus certainly did not shun the most defiled sinner, but I cannot picture him inside a dance club or bar room throwing back a few beers with the boys. It was to repentant and humble sinners that Jesus extended fellowship, not brazen "Animal House" types.

In a city near me, a church has started a Bible study that meets in Hooters Restaurant every Thursday night. I have met others who say they are "called" to go into strip clubs to witness for the Lord. You have to draw the line somewhere. Friendship with the world is hatred toward God, according to James. We can disagree over where exactly the line is to be drawn, but it must be drawn somewhere, right?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think their as any doubt on whether you should have went there or not....even if there are souls to be saved......if God is convicting your heart about it, then the answer is a resounding "NO".......you did the right thing Jeramie and I'm proud of you........it's not easy sometimes to heed those convictions, especially when it's something we enjoy, or try to make excuses for.......

I'm coming to grips with one of the hugest convictions ever placed on my heart....and I ignored it for years.....the amount of bowhunting I have done in the past. I didn't realize it but not only had bowhunting become an addiction to me, but it was also an adulterous relationship that took precious time away from my wife and kids.........needless to say, I won't be spending nearly as much time in the field as I have in past years.......and undoubtedly i will be happier about it, as I will be doing God's will, not my own selfish one....

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Truth be known youll probably have better experinces and better harvest while out there too! That one would be a hard on to let go.

Maybe that's why i dont have a P&Y buck on the wall! I spend to much time in the woods! :) I dont know about that though. Time in the deer stand has always been quality time with God for me. But then again, I'm only 17 and dont have a wife and kids, so what do i know?

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