The Sopranos


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Guest Andrea

Really want me to ruin it for you? Ok.:D

First off, we find out that Silvio never really killed Adrianna. He only fired shots to make it look like it in case he was followed. Turns out, he was the biggest mole of all. He was in with the feds. However, he doesn't live after he got shot last Sunday.

Paulie goes out with a bang too. As do many others.

Carmela and Meadow are in Tony's car that Phil has rigged with a bomb and they get killed. ( You can see the explosion in the previews with AJ looking on in horror)

AJ tells his father and tells him he wants in. Tony knew this day would come and though he never wanted his son to follow in his footseps, he allows AJ to get "made" right then and there. Hence the title to Sunday's show: Made In America.

A major gun battle ensues between the families in NJ and NY like we've never seen. The climax ends with Tony beating Phil to death with a crowbar. Then Tony and AJ leave and enter into the witness protection program.

This of course is all based on some spoiler I read on from a fairly reliable source.

Should be a great finale. I just hope it's longer than 1 hour.;)

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Family show with morals?? Not hardly. A&E plays the re-runs that have been edited. Still pretty violent.

Meant as a JOKE Andrea, I never want my kids stumbling across it on TV. Way too much violence and sad that society is drawn to that type of television.

Lots of interesting stuff on TV, go to Discovery and TLC and learn how things are made, see Dirty Jobs, or Animal Planet and see how animals survive.

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Guest Andrea
Meant as a JOKE Andrea, I never want my kids stumbling across it on TV. Way too much violence and sad that society is drawn to that type of television.

Lots of interesting stuff on TV, go to Discovery and TLC and learn how things are made, see Dirty Jobs, or Animal Planet and see how animals survive.

Sorry, it was late and I forgot to put a smilie face. I knew you were being sarcastic. :D:D:D

This show is definitely NOT for children. My kids aren't allowed to watch it. I put a ratings lock on their tv.;)

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this post was meant for those who watch the show and any ideas they have on what will happen at the end. not for someone to come in here and cry about how violent it is...if you think it is to violent, save yourself from the nightmares you might have and don't watch it.

as for my original question, i really don't think they will kill Tony, i think they would want to leave it open for any type of movie in the future.

Andrea's ending sounds pretty good.

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this post was meant for those who watch the show and any ideas they have on what will happen at the end. not for someone to come in here and cry about how violent it is...if you think it is to violent, save yourself from the nightmares you might have and don't watch it. QUOTE]

I just don't get you at times, if you post something on here you might get opinions on it!!! Just like the post on Kobe and how great you think he is and you got mad at me ridiculing him, sorry, don't care if he scores 100 points a night, cheated on his wife and raped someone. Loser in my book and always will be!!

You hate my crying then sorry deal with it!!!! I have an opinion, don't like it? I can post where I want and how I want.

That show is nothing but who is getting whacked, if that is your form of entertainment, by all means tune in and watch. Your choice as is mine to post on this thread!!

Just think the morals of America are not improving, Sopranos and Paris Hilton fill the headlines and the true heros you never hear about until something tragic happens! :(

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my apologies for my angry reply earlier...i was in a bad mood, tired, and irritated from the heat :(:D

No harm, no foul, my friend, if we don't have opinions what fun would this place be or life in general! I too was a little angry but realize each of us is entitled to his or her thoughts.

Have a good one and your a Michigander, don't worry about the weather it can change by the hour! :)

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Guest Andrea


You can't access any site (forum) pertaining to the stupid show because there are so many ANGRY people right now crashing the internet.

What a disappointment. I sure hope they don't make a movie out of this because I will not go see it and I bet a lot of other folks won't either.

Can you tell what a lovely mood I am in right now???:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

I need a: 12_5_24.gif

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You can't access any site (forum) pertaining to the stupid show because there are so many ANGRY people right now crashing the internet.

What a disappointment. I sure hope they don't make a movie out of this because I will not go see it and I bet a lot of other folks won't either.

Can you tell what a lovely mood I am in right now???:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

I need a: 12_5_24.gif


i thought it was very disappointing as well...might have been the most boring episode i have ever seen. they left it open for a movie, but i was expecting to see a flat out war between the two. I'd go see the movie, but the ending to the series sucked. the end kind of got me on the edge of my seat, i expected the trucker or the other guy in the restaurant to take Tony and his family out.

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Guest Andrea

You know how long I have been watching this show?? Since it started. To end it like that was a slap in the face to all the fans who expected SOOOOO much more.

In the last 2 or 3 seasons, the storylines have started nose-diving. If David Chase thought he was being clever by leaving us all hanging with that last pathetic ending.......he made a huge mistake.

Have you tried to get on any of the Soprano forums?? I finally managed to get on one and EVERYONE is upset. No one has anything good to say.

BTW, look up James Gandolfini. He hasn't made a movie and isn't in talks about making one either. What does that tell you???? If they make one it's gonna be a long time before it's out. At least over a year.

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Yup...disappointed here, too !

I wonder if the Diner scene, at the end, was meant to keep everyone on the edge of their seats.:eek: I was expecting the guy who went to the washroom to pull a gun or something...

Maybe that was the intent of the writers...Were YOU looking to see who was gonna get whacked...or who would be doing the whackin' ?...I can see the writers now..."GOT'CHA !":D

Disappointing for sure...

Did all your folks' screens go blank before they rolled the credits?:confused:

Made me wonder if I was missing the grand finale.


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Guest Andrea
Yup...disappointed here, too !

I wonder if the Diner scene, at the end, was meant to keep everyone on the edge of their seats.:eek: I was expecting the guy who went to the washroom to pull a gun or something...

Maybe that was the intent of the writers...Were YOU looking to see who was gonna get whacked...or who would be doing the whackin' ?...I can see the writers now..."GOT'CHA !":D

Disappointing for sure...

Did all your folks' screens go blank before they rolled the credits?:confused:

Made me wonder if I was missing the grand finale.


Yeah, everyone's screens went blank. Then the credits rolled without any music. Horrible ending. I hope the movie TANKS.:mad:

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That ending was the WORST!!!! A TOTAL lack of creativity. Nothing like leaving open ends.....and setting the scene with AJ & uncle JR. For what???? That was the LAST OF THEHBO SERIES!!!! The writers should be fired. If it come to a movie....I will not waste my money. I feel betrayed after following the show all these years to be let down with a lame non-ending like that.

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