Thickening a Clover Plot....

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I know that it is too soon to do it now, but I am trying to get ready and have ever thing planned out to do so. I live in centeral NC, and I planted a plot of Imperial clover back in the spring during the recommend time period and I am not that pleased as to the thickness of how it came up. So I was wondering how can I thicken it up? I have been mowing it, but it still needs something else done to it. I was told in the fall to mow it really low and seed it really heavily. Also I have been told to open a disc all the way up and barely tear the ground up and then reseed it. What do you guys do or would recommend? I think that I am also goin with the feed store seed this fall because I am far more pleased with its results. Thanks!

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over seed in the fall right before a good rain--that will hekp thicken it up. I wouldn't do the light discing since the clover is in it's first year--I would be worried the root system isn't quite deep enough yet to handle that. I would over-seed in the fall--mow right after over seeding so the clipping can act like mulch for the seed and pray for rain!

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