Cell Phone Service


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which provider does everyone use? My Contract with nextel is up in a week or 2 and i am looking to switch. Nextel is nice, and i have a lot of family members who have it so the walkie talkie comes in handy. but the service is sometimes horrible. i could be standing in one spot, take a step in one direction and it could be gone...looking at the coverage map on thier site...there are spots all over the place for service, where the other providers have pretty much full coverage throughout the state. i have looked at Sprint, Verizon, AT&T (cingular). another reason is that i am a person who likes to switch phones once a year or two, and nextels are just getting to darn expensive!

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We switched from Nextel to Verizon for our work phones a few months ago to save some money.Our Verizon service is absolutely awful.We have 10 phones and nobody likes them.I have about a third of my calls dropped and my wife won't even call me on it because she gets agrivatted only hearing every other word.I can't complain much since work pays for it,but no way I would keep it if it was on my bill.

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I have verizon right now and the service isn't that great. The phone loses signal in the middle of a perrfect signal zone where other verizon phones have full signal. Verizon has not tried hard to help solve the problem. I am considering dunping them when the contract is up.


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  • 2 weeks later...


well, i decided to go with sprint...we have had nextels for a long time, and even when the companies merged, they were still good to us...quick service with sending new phones or replacment phones, always seem to get right through when needing to talk to someone there and got the answers we were looking for when we had a problem. i ordered the phone yesterday at around 2pm, and check the site today and ups with the tracking number, and the phone is already out for delivery, so i'll get it in about an hour or 2 (usually the time they drop things off) :cool:

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which provider does everyone use? My Contract with nextel is up in a week or 2 and i am looking to switch. Nextel is nice, and i have a lot of family members who have it so the walkie talkie comes in handy. but the service is sometimes horrible. i could be standing in one spot, take a step in one direction and it could be gone...looking at the coverage map on thier site...there are spots all over the place for service, where the other providers have pretty much full coverage throughout the state. i have looked at Sprint, Verizon, AT&T (cingular). another reason is that i am a person who likes to switch phones once a year or two, and nextels are just getting to darn expensive!

I have nextel as well. Service is kinda so-so here in Columbus. It's not too bad. But yeah I defintely know what you mean about the phones getting expensive! I still have the i205. Everyone makes fun of it and asks if I can watch tv on that thing lol but it suits me just fine :D

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