Killed the hybrid stripers (pics)


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I don't usually fish for these things, but my boss wanted to have a go at 'em. These are striped bass - sand bass hybrids. They typically get up to about 10 pounds max. I caught these on a sand hump that came up from 30+ feet to about 15 feet. I was making long casts with a Norman DD22 and fast cranking it to get it down to the bottom. The fish would only hit it when the bait was stirring up the sand on the bottom. We caught about 35 - 40 of them from 2 pounds up to 7 pounds in about 2.5 hours of fishing. The picture quality isn't great since we only had a camera phone.

Here's a 4 pounder and a pic of the crankbait I was using.


Here's a 5 pounder.


And this is the biggest one that we got a picture of. It went just over 7 pounds.


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great pics, we got cooling lakes around here when they open up in early spring when the waters are still cool, the hybrid fishing is amazing, its not uncommon to catch 50 of them in just a few hours ranging anywere from 1/2lb to 10lbs, and a really nice one from time to time, they are a blast to catch we catch em on cranks, shadraps, and rattletraps

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