Update on myself


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Howdy guys not been around here to much lately. Been very busy with work and shooting the bow all the time have shot in a few shoots and am going to World Quailifier in August.

Great news I ordered me a NEW BOW last week. I got me the 38 Ultra Draw Length is up to 31 inches now.lol Alot aint it.

Been doing a ton of fishing here lately to been laying heck into them. John and Kyle went last night and caught a ton of blue gill and catfish we are going to fry them up Monday night if any of ya'll was going to be close by.:)

I got hit in my car about 4 or 5 weeks ago there is a huge dint in the right side door.

Sorry I ain''t stayed in touch the past however long will do my best to be on more often. But boy do I got some stories to tell you guys.

Hope ya'll are doing good.

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No not yet William went out and checked it yesterday and there wasn't a dang thing on it will go back out tonight and move it. Think I am going to put it over near where I have some stuff set out the deer have been hitting it pretty hard. Did see some bucks down there so I know they are there.

What about yourself any good deer?

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