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Eventually plan to put a set on my AR, not sure which ones to get though. The harris bipods are nice, but a bit more than I really am looking to spend. Cabelas has a few other brands, the b-square's looked pretty decent and are closer to what I would like to spend, also looked at the versa pod. Anyone have any suggestions. The AR will be setup primarily be for varmint hunting and target practice.

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I,ve got a versapod. Last trip to Montana my son forgot his Harris. It was pretty easy to switch back and forth between rifles with the versapod. Plus it swivels as said above. Plus it's a little less bulky than a Harris. Look them all over and see which you like best.

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I bought a UniPod for my buddy Ken, because it helps him steady the shotgun. His MS has gotten the better of him in the past few years, and he's not as steady as he used to be, plus has some vision problems.

He seems to like it a lot, and has been successful at filling his tags since he got it.

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