Thank You

Guest Friend of Exturkinator

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Guest Friend of Exturkinator

As a good friend of David, I cannot tell how much all of your support has! meant to me. I have

read many of the posts since that tragic day and have learned how much you all meant to David and

his passion for hunting.

I am a physician assistant in the cardiac surgery unit at the University of Michigan. I operate

with the residents every single day. We sweat, struggle, laugh and most of all become very close with

these find individuals who dedicate their life as cardiac surgeons.

I want to share a couple of tidbits about David and work. First of all, ANY extra time he had between

cases he could be found reading and posting here at realtree. Sometimes you could hear him laughing

and just enjoying himself with all of you.

If he wasn't reading the forums here he was constantly playing a song from you tube that he was

more than willing to share with all of us over and over. The song is Long Haired Country Boy

by Charley Daniels, and the clip is from a show in the late seventies. Here is the link to it.

If it doesn't work then just type the title of the song in and you will find it. All I need to do

is fire up that song and his face and all the wonderful memories will always be there.

My 2 1/2 yr old son has heard it several times and he says for me to put on my favorite

song! when it finishes he says again! And we play it over and over.

Well thats all I have to say. Thanks.

David was a great great great gifted talented person. Words just cannot explain.

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No, THANK-YOU for that insite into David's routine... He truely is missed here ... :(:(

And welcome to Realtree,, hope you can share more stories with us about this great individual .... :)

Well said Luke!!

David was a great man as we all know. It was great to talk turkeys with him. He will be missed!!!

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Huge thanks for posting here on Realtree....I just read the front page of our website, and it had the story on David....made me tear up pretty good....we are all praying for his wife and kids, and all the friends he left behind.....hope you stay with Realtree forever, its great to see his friends coming over here and chatting....God Bless, and welcome to the

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We hope you will continue to post on here and keep David's memory alive! We lost a great member and each of us has a hurting heart right now because we miss him on here. As long as friends and family come on here his memory will live on forever!

Thanks for posting and please visit here often. I have a feeling David would like that! :)

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