Goals for the upcoming season???

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Hey guys. I was just thinking of my goals for the upcoming bow/gun season. Having not been able to hunt much the past 2 years, really my only goals for this year is to go out more than I have lol.

So what are your goals for this upcoming season?

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Shoot and retrieve a buck with my bow I had

1 last year branch deflect under a buck and the year before I hit 1 in what my dad calls no manzone which is high but below the spine with no vitals it was nothing more than a flesh wound b/c we got the same buck on camera the next week:)

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Guest jbhunter

My goals include getting a deer harvest on tape( I am the cameraman often), to shoot a deer with my bow finally, and have fun. Oh and to also film my cousin back home in Texas.

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Guest Wackmaster17

I'll just be happy to get in the woods! I start my first year of college in the fall which is almost 300 miles from where I hunt. But I am going to do what ever I can to hunt for atleast one weekend even if I have to skip a day or two.

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