Prairie Dog Hunt....LOTS OF PICS!!

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Shooting Prairie Dogs was a blast!!

We left for S. Dakota early Thursday morning about 12 hours later:eek: we arrived to our motel in Murdo S. Dakota.

Friday morning we got our 3 day tag meet up with our guide and we was off. This was my first time out, my dad however has been going the past 6 years to the same place and same guide. The first town we sat up on was HUGE!!! We shot on this town all day! The only time we was not shooting was when we was either switching guns or eating lunch. I could not believe the number of dogs in this one town. We figured latter we both shoot around 500 rounds that day!:eek::D:cool:

Well Saturday came with no wind. NO wind allowed us to do the long range shooting which was one of the things I was wanting to do. Never thought I would ever shoot at and kill prairie dogs at 600 and 700 yards with a .223 boy was that fun!!:D

We took out with us 13lbs of fresh catfish. So Saturday evening we along with our guide, his friends and family had a fish fry. Of course after we ate he told me to go ahead and blast away at those dogs in front of his house. Heck ya. So that night I shoot till dark which was around 9:30 - 10:00:D:cool:.

Sunday was our final day of hunting/shooting. Our guide took us to a valley that was just awesome looking. Down in this valley we again was able to shoot long range but the wind was blowing a bit. Dad got out his 6mm and I got out the 25-06 and slung some lead out there to the 700 to 1000 yard range. Just to let you know how far that is, I would shoot at a prairie dog and of course there is enough recoil from the 25-06 to take the prairie dog I was shooting at out of my scope, but at that distance I had enough time to get him back in my scope with enough time to watch the bullet hit him. And boy was that great!!:eek::D:D:cool:

I figured I shoot between 1300 to 1400 rounds in those 3 days.

Well I strongly recommend anyone that likes to shoot by all means go shoot prairie dogs. We shoot them as close as 10 ft and as far as you wanted.

We saw game while we was there too like mule deer, whitetail deer, antelope, coyotes, jack rabbits (man those things are BIG and fast), turkeys, pheasant, rattle snakes, and obviously prairie dogs.

OK here's a few pics. :)


I hope you can see it in these pictures but all those dirt spots are mounds and they all have lots of dogs on or around them. This was a big big town. I couldn't get the entire town in the picture.


Me blasting away.


The last thing many a prairie dogs witnessed.:p:D


My view looking through the scope.



That speck is my dads truck.


Some pictures of the land.



We was driving around one night about about 30 yards off the rode in this dead tree was all these turkeys. So we stopped took pictures. They all gobblers and they gave us a good show of strutting and gobbling on the roost.



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