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Muzzys are good broadheads, although I shoot NAP Thunderhead fixed blades...switched to 100 grain after using 125 grain (too heavy for my arrow I think). I haven't had any problems at all with them...they will get dull if they go into the dirt or through bone, probably most broadheads do, but they do the job!

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I just got a new bow that is like perfect for me and i was wondering which kind of broadheads to get come fallish. I was leaning tward some Muzzy 100gr. heads? Which wud u prefer???

I would recommend one of the following




The above listed heads are top shelf as to ability and are great fliers.

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It's all in the eye of the beholder

Although There are some good heads out there , there are not many great heads out there.

Last year I tested 42 heads and only 7 passed.

The tests were not hard core at all and left alot of room to pass each phase ;)

To pass these tests , heads had to fly with a 3" margin of error (most failed)

The ferrules had to under go stress without fatigue (most passed)

The blades had to go through bone without major damage (the majority failed)

and lastly heads had to be sharp (most passed)

The major problem with most heads are weak blades and aerodynamics

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Although There are some good heads out there , there are not many great heads out there.

Last year I tested 42 heads and only 7 passed.

The tests were not hard core at all and left alot of room to pass each phase ;)

To pass these tests , heads had to fly with a 3" margin of error (most failed)

The ferrules had to under go stress without fatigue (most passed)

The blades had to go through bone without major damage (the majority failed)

and lastly heads had to be sharp (most passed)

The major problem with most heads are weak blades and aerodynamics

I'd like to see your tests, do you have that info anywhere?

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I've been using Muzzy since I started bowhunting. I've had really good luck with the original 4-blades and used the MX-4's last year.

If you decided to try mechanicals, make sure they are legal in your area. Some places have a ban on "barbed" broadheads. I know the G5 Tekkan is one of them. The Rage might be too. Make sure to check your state's regulations.

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Although There are some good heads out there , there are not many great heads out there.

Last year I tested 42 heads and only 7 passed.

The tests were not hard core at all and left alot of room to pass each phase ;)

To pass these tests , heads had to fly with a 3" margin of error (most failed)

The ferrules had to under go stress without fatigue (most passed)

The blades had to go through bone without major damage (the majority failed)

and lastly heads had to be sharp (most passed)

The major problem with most heads are weak blades and aerodynamics

Seems like a wierd tesgt to me ... there isnt a blade out there that will go through bone without some damage ... also as far as being sharp ... why would you hunt with a broadhead that isnt sharp ... seems like if you test 47 broadheads that some of them manufactgures would want that info as well ... lets see this data and some more specifics


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I would recommend one of the following




The above listed heads are top shelf as to ability and are great fliers.

I believe this is good advice. I do like the Montecs and Rocket Sidewinder heads. Both fly well for me and deliver a deadly payload. In the toughness category the Montecs can take quite a bit of abuse and still be usable.

Like the Sidewinders, Bunker Busters are made by Rocket Aeroheads. Rocket makes good heads. I'm convinced of that. The Sidewinders are accurate heads. I just wish they were a little bit tougher. IME, Sidewinders are one animal per broadhead deals. They get the job done, very well, but don't expect to be reusing them. Turbo's come from Rocky Mountain, they are very similar to Slicktrick Heads and look a lot like Muzzies. Like Slicktrick they've eliminated the achilles heel of the Muzzy design which IMO is the screw on trocar tip. Frankly, if that tip does not thread on straight Muzzies have an accuracy issue. All the complaints I've heard about Slicktricks have to do with the durability of the blades. I believe the Rocky Mountain version is a little tougher. Finally, the Razorsharks are from well respected Simmons. They are thick bladed cut on contact heads with a curved entry angle, they are bound to penetrate extremely well and be very tough.

However, of the three, the Bunker Buster head has flat got my attention. Based on it's design it should be a VERY accurate head. In fact, though I haven't seen the test data, I suspect this head was TOPS in the accuracy department. I'd like to see more comments on this head. It has some serious potential.

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I've hunted with Muzzy's for year now and they have never failed me, so I'm kind of partial towards them. All experiments aside, any of the top selling heads as well as some of the lower line heads, will do the trick on just about anything you want to shoot. I'd recommend trying a couple or so out to see what best suites your set-up. JMHO I'd go with a Muzzy, they've never failed me and it's all about hitting them in the right place.

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I bought some of the Rage 3 blades this year to try. I used Thunderheads for years with no problems. I just wanted to try mechanicals. I used Montec G 2's the last couple years and they were very accurate without adjusting your bow. I just like a bigger hole and a better trail.

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