Sad News Today

Ravin R10 man

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A neighbor farmer was killed today working on farm equipment', he was pinched between the frame and header of a self proppelled forage harvestor when it fell off a jack..(a block could have prevented it from falling) opionion. His name was Jim...he was also the chairman for our township...anyways the two boys..mid 20's are now left to run the dairy and beef, and crops by themselves...please keep the boys in prayer..Mark and Steve

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Guest IL_HuNtIn_KiD

very bosses son was pinned underneath the front end of a model A tractor last summer lucky there were two people there with him and they used and engine hoist to pull it off him....prayers sent to the family

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My thoughts and prayers sent out to the two son's...That is very sad to hear...

I work on and around tractors and heavy equipment here all the time and always try and go the extra mile to be safe.

Working around stuff like that can get you hurt real quick...

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Prayers being sent, so sad to hear about this and I guess that is why they indeed are called accidents.

My brother was killed in a work related accident and a block in his situation could have saved his life as well. All we can believe is someday we will be together again as will you with your neighbor.

I hope the community pulls together to help the boys run the farm.

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