Coyote hunting help

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Need some suggestions on how to call. Is there a "training" video for calling coyotes? We have a ton of them and I want to take some out. I have a mouth call and an electronic call. I'm going out in the next few weeks for the first time. What time of day is best? Is it legal to call/shoot at night in MS? any help will be appreciated.



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Not sure about the night hunting in MS, but if you can get out early in the morning or late in the afternoon you can get them also. This time of the year I would try the pup in distress or some other yote vocalizations.

Some other videos to check out would be Coming to the Call by Byron South, Texas Predator Pursuit, by Jeff Thomason and Todd Woodall, Operation Predator by Hunters Specialties

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  • 4 weeks later...

Randy Anderson is probably the best coyote hunter i have ever seen, he gets them in any terrain, time of day and weather. He joined with primos so check out some of the new calls he helped design like the ki-yi, little dog, hawt dog, and double whammy. I dont know the regulations on hunting dogs at night for ms. but **** i live in NY and they let us; so i guarentee that you can because new york has some of the most harsh/senseless laws

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