Time to cancel your NRA Membership!!!


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This is a little long, but worth the read. Got it in an email today from GOA (Gun Owners of America). Already cancelled my membership.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wednesday started out as a routine day in the U.S. Congress, with

Representatives attending congressional hearings, meeting with

constituents, perhaps devising clever new ways to pick our pockets.

At 8:30 in the morning an email went out to House Republicans

indicating that a gun control bill, recently introduced by Rep.

Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), was on the Suspension Calendar (normally

reserved for "non-controversial" bills).

Many Representatives didn't see that email until it was too late.

Less than three hours later, the bill passed by a voice vote. The

bill in question, H.R. 2640, is a massive expansion of the Brady Gun

Control law, the subject of many previous alerts by Gun Owners of


Its passage in the House is a case study in backroom deal making,

unholy alliances and deceit. A sausage factory in a third world

country with no running water has nothing on today's U.S. Congress.

The Washington Post reported earlier this week that a deal had been

struck between the NRA leadership and Democrat leaders in the House.

The headline read: "Democrats, NRA Reach Deal on Background-Check


Red flags went up throughout the pro-gun community. Who was party to

this "deal," and how many of our rights were being used as



The McCarthy bill, at the time, looked to be going nowhere. The

general consensus among pro-gun Congressmen was that any gun bill

offered by McCarthy was simply DOA.

After all, if there were such a thing as a single issue Member of

Congress, it would have to be McCarthy. Rep. McCarthy ran for office

to ban guns; Hollywood made a movie about her efforts to ban guns;

and she is currently the lead sponsor of a bill that makes the old

Clinton gun ban pale by comparison.

Even many Democrats wouldn't go near a McCarthy gun bill. They have

learned that supporting gun control is a losing issue. Enter Rep.

John Dingell (D-MI), the so-called Dean of the House, having served

since the Eisenhower administration. Dingell is also a former NRA

Board member, and was in that capacity tapped to bring the NRA

leadership to the table.

The end result of the negotiations was that this small clique among

the NRA leadership gave this bill the support it needed to pass.

But why was it necessary to pass the bill in such an underhanded

fashion? If this is such a victory for the Second Amendment, why all

the secrecy? Why was a deal forged with the anti-gun Democrat House

leadership, keeping most pro-gun representatives in the dark? Why

was the bill rammed through on the Suspension Calendar with no

recorded vote with which to identify those who are against us?

For starters, it would be a hard sell indeed for the NRA leadership

to explain to its members what they would gain by working with

McCarthy. If this legislation had gone before the NRA membership for

a vote, it would have been rejected. For that matter, if it went

through the House in the regular fashion, with committee hearings and

recorded votes, it would have been defeated.

Consider also what the bill is: GUN CONTROL! The lead sentence in an

Associated Press article accurately stated that, "The House Wednesday

passed what could become the first major federal gun control law in

over a decade."

The bill's supporters can talk all they want to the contrary, but

forcing the states to hand over to the federal government millions of

records of Americans for the purpose of conducting a background check

is certainly an expansion of gun control.

This is a bill designed to make the gun control trains run on time.

Problem is, the train's on the wrong track. We don't need greater

efficiency enforcing laws that for years we have fought as being


Sure, there are provisions in the bill by which a person who is on

the prohibited persons list can get his name removed, but not before

proving one's innocence before a court, or convincing a psychiatrist

that he should be able to own a gun (though most psychiatrists would

be more likely to deem a person mentally defective for even wanting

to own guns).

Sad thing is, this bill, which spends hundreds of millions of your

dollars, will do nothing to make us safer. More gun control laws

will not stop the next deranged madman. What will stop a killer is

an armed law-abiding citizen. In the wake of the Virginia Tech

tragedy, we should be considering removing barriers that prevent

honest, decent people from carrying their lawfully possessed


We don't know where the next shooting will occur; that's something

the killer decides. So whether it is in a school, a church, a

shopping mall or a government building, we should urge our elected

officials to repeal so-called gun free zones and oppose more gun


Instead, we end up with a bill supported by Handgun Control and Sarah

Brady, Chuck Schumer, Teddy Kennedy, Carolyn McCarthy, and the rest

of the Who's Who of the anti-gun movement, and all the while the NRA

leadership maintains that this is a win for gun owners.

This is a Faustian bargain, which will repeatedly haunt gun owners in

the years to come.

But you should realize why they had to do it this way. Your activism

has resulted in an avalanche of grassroots opposition against this

bill. Gun owners have raised their voices of opposition

loud-and-clear, and many congressmen have been feeling the heat.

The fight is not over. They still have to run this through the

Senate. Already, there is a small cadre of pro-gun senators who are

ready to slow this bill down and do everything they can to kill it.

To be frank, a bill that has the support of all the anti-gun groups

and the NRA will be tough to beat, but we will continue to fight

every step of the way.

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I would suggest that everyone needs to gather a bit more information on this subject before jumping to any conclusions.

Just a quick FYI...

If memory serves me correctly, the current leadership of GOA attempted to seize control of the NRA board of directors about 10 or 15 years ago. They were soundly defeated by the ballots of the NRA membership, so they decided to start (or maybe they joined up with an already existing) opposition gun advocacy group. Ever since then, there's been an ongoing fued between GOA, which pursues a much more agressive anti-anti-gun agenda than does the NRA, and the NRA. It appears to me that one of the main objectives of GOA is to weaken or destroy the NRA.

I'll see if I can get some additional details about this McCarthy bill and post them here later.

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The bill's supporters can talk all they want to the contrary, but forcing the states to hand over to the federal government millions of records of Americans for the purpose of conducting a background check

is certainly an expansion of gun control.

Admittedly I'm no constitutional scholar, but after reading the bill in it's entirety, the only records I see that are being sent to the Federal Government are criminal records. hmmmm????

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Here's the NRA's statement on HR2640.


Also, I need to add to my previous statement that criminal records were all that were being sent to the feds. There is also a provision in the bill to expedite the processing of mental health records. I would assume this is in response to the killings at Virginia Tech by someone who should not have been allowed to purchase a gun in the first place due to his history of mental health problems.

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All I have to say is "DO YOUR HOMEWORK" Before jumping on any information you receive in emails these days. They are full of half truths, out-right lies and propoganda.

"DO YOUR HOMEWORK" before making any rash decission or for that matter , before starting any riots.;)

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All I have to say is "DO YOUR HOMEWORK" Before jumping on any information you receive in emails these days. They are full of half truths, out-right lies and propoganda.

"DO YOUR HOMEWORK" before making any rash decission or for that matter , before starting any riots.;)


The Washington Post reported earlier this week that a deal had been

struck between the NRA leadership and Democrat leaders in the House.

The headline read: "Democrats, NRA Reach Deal on Background-Check


LMBO!!!!! The Washington Post!!! You cant believe what them idiots tell you!!!

One thing I have noticed about the GOA, that they don't like the NRA! Funny, two PRO-GUN organizations with the same goal!

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Thanks for the clarification guys.

What we as gun owners need to watch out for is that HR1022.

Mc Carthy is THE sponsor of that one too. I think the NRA, which never waivers on the 2nd amendmant stance, conceeded to this bill in prep of the coming war of HR1022.

Thats the one WE have to win.

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I did my homework Steve, I should have been more specific in saying that I cancelled my membership awhile ago. While I do think the NRA does some good, they don't go to bat locally like GOA or Grassroots organizations. The proof's in the pudding. I feel like the NRA is more interested in your money than anything else. JMHO

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I can't cancel, because I've never joined. I've never been too big a fan of the NRA, mainly because of their strong-arm tactics, and the fact that I have heard from too many people that all they did for the NRA was send them their money and all the NRA did for them was take their money. While I do believe that the NRA has done loads to preserve hunting and gun ownership rights, I don't agree with some of the stands that they take on certain issues all in the name of the 2nd Amendment. There is a line that needs to be drawn in some instances in my opinion.

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Well, I can't cancel, because I've never joined. I've never been too big a fan of the NRA, mainly because of their strong-arm tactics, and the fact that I have heard from too many people that all they did for the NRA was send them their money and all the NRA did for them was take their money. While I do believe that the NRA has done loads to preserve hunting and gun ownership rights, I don't agree with some of the stands that they take on certain issues all in the name of the 2nd Amendment. There is a line that needs to be drawn in some instances in my opinion.

Hmmmmmmmmmm, they kept you hunting, kept the guns that you own in your own hands.

The REASON! Their strong arm so-called tactics!!! Oh brother!!!


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