Group Memberships


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Has anyone noticed in your profile there is a box that says "Group Memberships" I guess to list your group memberships like NRA, National Wild Turkey Federation, etc.

Has anyone ever figured out how you list those in your profile?

I've tried to figure out how to list them with no luck so far. Also so far everyone else's profile says the same thing mine does..."(forum member name) is not a member of any public groups". :confused:

I'm certainly not ashamed to admit I'm a member of a number of groups like the National Rifle Association, etc. I guess it just bothers me that I am and it automatically says I'm not without providing a known way (at least to me) to correct it. :rolleyes:

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Im with you Rhino I would like to fill in that area of the groups I am memeber of.

Gary does that mean by your understand we could all put or turkey team or deer team in that group area if it was set up that way. Obvious that would be a lot of changes to do each year but is that what you mean?

Sounds like a neat feature....Wonder if we will use it...

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I could be wrong but I think that there can be various "groups" within the forums like a public Bowhunting Group or Knitting Group. It's just a group of members with their profile set to a "group".

Think Gary is right here. Not sure how to setup memberships, but would think that is something we can look into.

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