Is this normal?


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It seems my dominant eye has changed from right to left. I was shooting my bow earlier and my shots were hitting a few inches right of their intended target. I haven't shot my bow in a few months because my job keeps me on the road so much. I checked my sights and they seemed fine. I took a few more shots and same thing. Finally I did the thumb test and it showed my left eye to be dominant when it used to be my right. confused.gif

Is there a way to overcome this?

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Re: Is this normal?


do you shoot with both eyes open? when i shoot with both eyes open some times my left eye tries to take over. i prevent it from doing this by squinting my left eye or "winking" my left eye--this keeps the right eye dominant.


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I always *try* to keep both eyes open, but before I know it my left eye is closed. I'm actually more comfortable that way and more accurate, too.

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Re: Is this normal?

geez, don't know Steven.

try the triangle test, it's a little more accurate for eye domininance IMHO. with the thumb i think you have the propensity to move your arm over your dominant eye.

focus on something at least 20 feet away. extend both arms in front of you, make a triangle with your thumbs as the base of the triangle, and your index fingers as the other two legs of the triangle while keeping the focused object in the middle of the triangle. now close one eye, if the object is still there, the eye that is open is the dominant eye.

i keep testing myself from time to time in hopes that my right eye will someday take over, but alas, i'm still a right handed shooter, and a left eye dominant person.

is it any wonder i sucked in Little League? frown.gifgrin.gif

honestly don't know if it can change or not. probably a better question for an eye doctor.

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