Coyote gun suggestions

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I started a very similar thread a few weeks back. I'd have to say that most opinions lean toward the .223 or the .22-250.

Season opens in 4 days here in MI. I'm hoping to make it out at least once. Only rifle I have that I can legally hunt 'yotes with is a .30-30. I'm kicking around picking up some slugs for my .410 but the .30-30 will be MUCH cheaper to shoot.

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i just bought a ruger m77 mark II in .204ruger, it is a great buy. period. The .204 is one of the fastest shooting callibers on the market at a blistering 4225 fps; with that speed it is barely affected by the wind and is at almost a complete zero at 250yrds. When a bullet shoots that fast the lead in the core of the bullet almost liquifies and when it hits its makes a small entrance wound and just explodes on the insides usually not even leaving an exit wound. if you want a good all around varmint gun there is none better then the .204, it also has a pretty versidle range of bullet weights, from 32 grain to 50 i believe?(and a few inbetween). so check one out before you buy any other gun.

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