What's up with Cheney?


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I saw a piece on the news last night regarding the VP. Seems he's now claiming that as the VP, he's not part of the executive branch of government. I think his claim relates to not wanting to answer subpoenas or something. Did anyone else see this or hear about it? Didn't he claim executive privillege some time back about not disclosing who had attended a meeting regarding energy policy? So if he's not part of the executive branch, which branch would he a part of?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, for some reason, Cheney and the rest of his administration (notice how I didn't say the Bush Admin.) seem to think they are immune from anything because they are the Executive Branch. Those who know me on here know I am not a fan of the current admin, but I have mellowed a bit. As was stated earlier, it is a stall tactic if you understand the political game, but Cheney saying that the Office of the VP is not a part of the Executive Branch just makes himself look like an idiot. I notice that he never did say what part of government his office fell under.

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