I had a bad day


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My turn to whine a bit

I need to unload. These Female hormones are getting the best of me. I can't sleep, because of these dang hot flashes, plus I get dizzy spells, and am beat tired all the time. They call it lethargic at the Cancer clinic, I call it beat tired.

I've had to turn down all 2 to 2 1/2 story exteriors for summer work, because I'm afraid of falling off a ladder or off of a roof.

Now I'm having a hard time finding decent small jobs. I'm not too worried yet, since the summer isn't really here yet, but I'm usually booked up until the end of Sept by now.:(

I have one job lined up ( I had two, but lost one because the lady said she was going to try to get someone cheaper :rolleyes:) The weather isn't co-operating (rain, sun, rain, sun) so, for the last month, I've been working on closing in our deck, putting in windows, door, siding, insulation, wiring, and now working on the interior. I also built a really nice deck out front, and added a strip for a possible future deck, out back, before siding. This interior ceiling is really kicking the crap out of me, energy wise. :(

Anyway, today, was the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak.

I had 4 piles, of junk to go to the dump, along the driveway, from scrap lumber, siding, metal bits, driftwood, and weeds and shrubs. The guy was going to pick it up today, and rid me of the mess.

Anyway, he showed up this morning, and I didn't even hear him out there, until they had the truck, and the huge trailer all loaded up and ready to go. I caught them just before they left, and gave him his money for a job well done.

What I didn't notice, right away, was that my 6 paint brushes,(around $25 each) and 4 rollers ($3 each), and paint spinner ($35) and wire ($5) brush, and paint thinners, that I had taken out of my truck so I could change the water in the 5 gallon buckets was also taken with the trash. :eek: Along with my 8 year old (that I can't find for sale anywhere now) brush hanger,(unknown value) that fits snugly inside my 5 gallon bucket, and holds my brushes just off the bottom, so they don't get ruined. I keep my brushes in water after cleaning them, just to keep them in good shape.

So, I paid $113, to get my junk hauled away, and they ended up hauling away around $250 worth of my painting equipment.

OK, I was ticked right off, because the guy knows I'm a house painter, and should have at least figured out that 4, five gallon buckets, with brushes in one, rollers in another, soaking in water, with a paint spinner and wire brush sitting on top of one of the spin-out buckets, was not garbage. :eek::mad:

Too top it off, I used an old aluminum storm door to cover the back door to the porch for now, until I can afford to get a proper door put in there. It had a slightly busted hinge on top and the second hinge down was ready to go too. Well, I was angry, and opened the door, with a good slap, on the way to the back yard after finding out that my painting equipment was all gone, and the door went flying out into the yard. :(:rolleyes: So much for a weather door.:mad: This just got me madder, and I picked up the door and threw it another 20 ft out into the back yard. I think I broke a few other thing after that too. I fell down 3 times throwing whatever I could get my hands on. :(

I guess we all have a breaking point, but I'm not too proud I reached mine.

I haven't had a temper tantrum like that in over 45 years. Needless to say, my wife was not impressed, even though I tried to explain the aluminum door already had a broken hinge, with the second one going.

Anyway, sorry for the long rant. I lost it today, and feel like a wreck physically, and mentally.

Sure hope you all had a nice day ..LOL:rolleyes:

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I called the guy right away, and talked to his wife. I really had to control my tone. :o

He felt real bad and went up to the city dump to try to recover the stuff, but they had already buried it.

I'm angry with him, and angry with myself for leaving it sitting behind the truck, right close to the pile of Garbage.

It was just as much my fault as it was his.

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I called the guy right away, and talked to his wife. I really had to control my tone. :o

He felt real bad and went up to the city dump to try to recover the stuff, but they had already buried it.

I'm angry with him, and angry with myself for leaving it sitting behind the truck, right close to the pile of Garbage.

It was just as much my fault as it was his.

Tomorrow is a new day bud. Everything will be much better, I'm sure.
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I know what you're going through Sherm. I remember when the docs took my thyroid out. I got so lethargic, I can actually remember having to concentrate to put one foot in front of the other, I had terrible lethargic times.

Things will get better, and you can look back, call yourself a survivor and be a better man for it. I promise you it will happen.

Let the RT family help, eh?

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Hey Buckee, hang in there.

I must admit that you gave me a good chuckle over thowing your door into the back yard and falling down whilst throwing things...not because you were having a bad day....but because I had some really rough times and did the same thing. Kind of liberating, isn't it? :D

Prayers coming your way for a good recovery.

Heck, maybe you won't be able to find one of those brush hangers and will have to fabricate your own. Then someone sees it and asks you to make one for them. Then, you end up with a business making them. You never know.

Hang in there and remember that nothing you think or feel will be normal right now and just take everything with a grain of salt and enjoy the occasional temper tantrum, you earned it.

Vent when you want to, we're here to listen.


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Guest Andrea

Sooooo sorry to hear about your equipment being gone. That's a shame. You had every right to go ballistic. I just hope that things start to turn around for you. Health wise, job wise and weather wise. We are all here for you and we welcome rants!!! It's just reminds us that we are all human and we all need to vent and have good friends that listen.

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Steve....man I hope things are going better today! I have to admit something.....I was right there with Harv on this one.....You gave me a good laugh with the tempur tantrum.....LOL

So sorry to here that all your stuff is gone.

Hope today that God will shine upon you and give you grace and peace in away you haven't seen in awhile! May God bless you!

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