What I did last weekend (pics)


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Every now and then I get a PM about how I chose my Realtree handle or who is that cowboy in your avatar. Well, hopefully this thread will shed some light. I belong to SASS (Single Action Shooters Society) which is the largest CAS (Cowboy Action Shooting) group. My handle is based upon my SASS alias Ranger Clayton Conagher.

Last weekend I participated in a two day shoot in Greene,NY with the Border Ranger club. Unlike our usual monthly shoots, this was a competition for prizes. There were 8 stages/scenarios. Each scenario reenacts a scene from the old west and you shoot your way through it using your pistols, rifle and shotgun of that era. Your score is based on the time it took you to shoot the scenario with each miss taking 5 seconds off your score.

Before you start the scenario is explained to you. This is the scenario for the pictures that are to follow.

"Town Stroll"

You're strolling down the towns boardwalk, just minding you own, when you pass the bank door and see the Greene Gang robbing it. You stop and look through the bank window to see what's going on. You decide to save the town's money by stopping the robbery. You step up to the bank windowand draw on the gang. As the shooting continues, the fight moves throughout the town.

The stage has now been set. The first thing I do is go to the loading table. I have to show clear, then load my ammo in my gun.


Next I stage my guns and move to the first shooting position. I let the timer know that I am ready when I say a line, "This is how we deal with bank robbers in these here parts". The timer goes off just seconds after I finish my line.


The first gun in this scenario is my shotgun. It is my Grandfathers double hammer Hopkins & Allen.


I set the shotgun down and then move to the alleyway where I will draw my first pistol, a sigle action Colt .45


Then my second pistol


I holster my second pistol then move to the doorway to shoot my 1866 winchester yellowboy.


After I am done shooting, the Range Officer beside me tells me my time and I go to the unloading table. I must show that my guns are empty and all clear before I can leave. You may notice the heavy smoke in this picture. There are other shooters beside me shooting at another scenario. That shooter is using black powder cartidges as the real cowboys did for more fun.


Now I return my guns to my gun cart. I will get dump out my empties and get my ammo ready for the next stage.


At the end of the shoot I placed 4th in my class "Duelist". It was an improvement because I placed 7th last time. If any of you are interested in try CAS you can click on www.sassnet.com and then click on the affiliated clubs button to find a club in your state near you.

I hope you enjoyed these pictures and now understand a little more about the cowboy in my avatar and how I spend my free time.

Ranger Clay

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