Getting Crazy lefts and rights, i think im cured.


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at one time i was very secure in my shooting form. i felt it was my strong point. but as of this year i now have my doubts. in my quest for speed, i overlooked a major fact. your shooting form MUST be really good to use top speed.

so i was shooting 305 out of my ultratec. 63.5 lbs, 30 inch draw, 320 gr arrow, 65% let off, 305 fps.

so i reduced my poundage 3 lbs and i now shoot 60.5 lbs, 30 inch draw, 320 gr arrow, 65% let off at 296 fps. my groups at 40 and 50 yards went really tight. it seems so easy to hold now.

im going to shoot a couple of 3ds this weekend to test my new marks.

Shoot Strong


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