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I am strongly leaning towards buying an '06 Bear Instinct from an individual I trust and he knows his stuff when it comes to archery. He bought the bow for turkey season, shot it about 50 times and put it away. He brought it into work the other day and I shot it several times and really liked it.

He's going to let me have it for 250. The bow comes with a new wisker biscuit, peep, string leeches, spilt limb SVLS, and quiver. Instincts sell for 400( bear) and 530 with biscuit, rest, and stabalizer.

Seems like a really great deal to me, but that's what has me worried. Is there anything else I should be asking or looking for with this bow??



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If this is someone you trust and know then I would not think he is doing anything shady but he is just giving you a GREAT deal.

I personally have never been around that model of bow but you shot it and liked it so I say buy it.

Good luck with your decision.

I agree.

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I personally think you should take it to a pro shop to see if the string is ok, axles lubed and overall if it's cared for very well. If it appears to be in like new condition then I say go for it. That sounds like a good deal to me too.

Also ask them to make sure the bow is right for you! Draw length and such, ask them to measure your draw length! Throw them a bone if they do this for you, buy some arrows or something!


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