One more week


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One week from today, I will be getting married.

Erin and I got engaged in April of 2006 and I'm just amazed at how quickly this day is approaching. As it's gotten closer, I have kind of been on hiatus and have not been here as much as I should. I apologize for my lack of involvement as of late.

It's amazing how humbling this is: How many times I've asked myself:

Why am I so blessed?

What did I do to deserve such a wonderful woman for my wife? She loves, me, is completely supportive of me, and shares the same vision of marriage that I do.

How will I ever live up to a man like my dad, who was the most wonderful husband to my mother and father to us? He's been gone over five years now, but I still remember how much he and my mom loved each other and after 29 years of marriage how much in love they were.

Even beyond my relationship with my future wife, I'm blown away by the love and support of our families and friends. Even our co-workers have been very kind with their warm wishes and generous with unexpected gifts.

As our day approaches, I ask my friends here at Realtree to pray for that day and for our marriage--that we love, honor, respect each other, and most importantly keep Jesus Christ at the center of our marriage.

I also ask you all to keep Steve and Chris in your prayers as well as the family of David Ashburn.

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