GPS for your hunting rig?

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I got a Garmin 478. It's got all north american streets in automotive mode and all coastal waters in marine mode with turn by turn guidance in highway mode. I must say that none of the units will be 100% accurate. Either maps need to be updated, or places that look like intersections on maps really are not. I paid $720 for the unit I bought though. Garmin, Lowrance have streets only units and I don't think you could go wrong with either. Go to a retailer and look at features. Check them out and buy what best suits you.

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Thanks but

Thanks for the feedback but it does not hit the points I need:

GPS for the car that:

  • Car version so it is mountable on the vehicle
  • Street specific voice guidance
  • Between $300-$500 as $300 seems to be the bottom where objective #2 is achieved

Anyone have one and Pros & Cons of the one you have?? Thanks!


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Like I said, I have the Garmin 478 - it has accurate and timely turn by turn voice commands but is more than you said you wanted to spend because of the marine charting feature. The streets portion will be the same. Go to a retailer and check them out. Either the Lowrance I-Way or Garmin StreePilot will do a great job for what you are asking. They both have auto mounts - like with suction cups.

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I won't need the Marine deal. I don't have a boat but my buddies do with all the radar/sonar rigs so that's the best boat for me.:rolleyes:

How is it in big cities for turn by turn direction, lag in commands not that bad?

One buddy has the same system that Hertz uses for their Never Lost GPS in rentals. I think that uses Magellan.

Not too many folks I know that went the Lowrance deal and hard to find stores that sell them.

I may chicken out and go Garmin then.


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