Newby: First post

Guest Phaseolus (BeanMan)

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Re: Newby: First post



Thanks for the welcome guys. Phaseolus vulgaris is the Genus and species of Dry Beans which are one of the main crops I grow. It's a big crop in this part of the state because our humidity is so low we have no bacterial or fungus diseases. I grow Pinto beans for seed which used to be worth something before China got in the game. Anything more you want to know about beans?


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Great to meet an educated person! Welcome.

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HEY! I'm ED-JA-MA-KATED too! grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Newby: First post



Thanks for the welcome guys. Phaseolus vulgaris is the Genus and species of Dry Beans which are one of the main crops I grow. It's a big crop in this part of the state because our humidity is so low we have no bacterial or fungus diseases. I grow Pinto beans for seed which used to be worth something before China got in the game. Anything more you want to know about beans?


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Great to meet an educated person! Welcome.

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frown.gifI are edjycaded. confused.gif

Welcome aboard! Prepare to be inundated with a wealth of nonsense! wink.gif

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