Forum speed (July 1st)


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I was like WOW!!! A lot faster today! Soon as I log in (which doesn't take long at all!), I clicked on the Lounge like I always do. It opened right up!!! Hopefully it will remain like this!!!

Good work IT guys! Hmmmmmmmmmm! Doesn't seem like it was us all along! LMBO!!!!!!

:D :D :D

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I was reading on the Internet, that IE7 is having problems with lag. So it may not "all" be contributed to this site.

With my older OS, I always been using IE6! It was slower than a snail in January! Something was changed! Because its moving a lot faster! I just reformatted about a month ago too!

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I was reading on the Internet, that IE7 is having problems with lag. So it may not "all" be contributed to this site.

Then why are all the other forums I visit running just fine? It is faster tonight but it took 8 sceonds to load page 2 of this thread for me.

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Taking a couple seconds to load pages for me today. About normal, a little better than yesterday. Replying to threads this morning is almost instant like it usually is.

My dsl connection just tested out at 782.8KBits download speed and 97.8KBytes upload. You guys on cable should be faster than what I am seeing. Dont understand why on ie7 if so many are having the slow down problems it is not affecting me?

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We've made some server configuration changes and disabled a couple of information things in the forums. I'm glad to hear most of you are seeing a noticeable increase in load time. Keep us up-to-date, and we'll keep trying to make it faster. Thanks for being patient while we work things out.

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