Illinois food plots

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Here are some pics of the food plots i have which are doing great . I planted them at the end of may this year in what used to bo a 6 acre corn /soybean field for the last 30 years.

The seeds i purchased from .

The first pic is of a blend called the kitchen sink, it has different types of peas, soybeans, corn, okra, sorghum and sunflowers.


This is a close up pic , ofthe kitchen sink.


This is a pic of a seed blend they call the ice cream mix, it has soybeans, peas, sorghum, and lab lab.


this is a pic of the clover / chickory plot that is in between the other two plots . I tooks this pic just after mowing it down . I also overseeded it to choke out the weeds that might take over the bare spots . It has 7 different types of clovers and 4 different types of chickory.


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