Scope mounting question

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I just purchased a ruger super redhawk 44 mag and I took it to a local shop to purchase a scope. Well I bought a swift 4x12 and they put it on for me. I took it out and shot about 30 rounds. The first 25 rounds did great. then they started to move all over the place, so i put it up. When I got home to clean it I noticed that the scope had twisted and moved back. My

question is what do you use to keep the rings tight, blue lock tite or clear finger nail polish.

Sucks because it scratched my new scope!!!!

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........ I noticed that the scope had twisted and moved back......

Never seen a scope move back. They generally move forward.

Ruger factory rings aren't the best. They should be lapped to ensure complete contact with the scope. I don't use anything on my ring screws. Never had one loosen while shooting. Now if you want to use a little blue #242 Loctite on the mounting screw that would be OK. Be sure to completely degrease the threads.


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