New Toy


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The little brown toy truck stopped by my place today and dropped off a SmokinTex Pro1400 electric Smoker. It is being seasoned with hickory as I type this. Hopefully this Friday or Saturday, I can manage to drop another deer that will be turned into sausage. Planning to do 1/2 summer sausage and 1/2 hot italian sausage. MMMM mmmmm!

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Re: New Toy


The little brown toy truck stopped by my place today and dropped off a SmokinTex Pro1400 electric Smoker. It is being seasoned with hickory as I type this. Hopefully this Friday or Saturday, I can manage to drop another deer that will be turned into sausage. Planning to do 1/2 summer sausage and 1/2 hot italian sausage. MMMM mmmmm!

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Sounds to me that AJ, needs to be sharing... grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: New Toy

You will love your smoker.... for everything!

Got a gas smoker last year... it doesn't matter what it is... the slower the better... cook it slow then take it up to temp after several hours...

What type of barks are you going to use... I have stuck with mesquite and cherry... but just got some hickory and apple to try.

Share some of the secrets... especially w/ sausage (how long will it keep in the freezer) All of the books I read, only say 1 -2 months, but any summer sausage you buy will keep in the freezer for well over a year?

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Re: New Toy

Hey BG,

The last 2 years I had a deer turned into summer sausage by a local butcher. It was fantastic! I cut the logs into 6-8" sections and vacuum sealed them, then threw them in the freezer. They lasted at least a year. It was hard to pace my eating to have them last until the next hunting season. A year later, I cut open a bag and it smelled like it just came out of the smokehouse.

I am planning to use hickory, apple, and a little mesquite.

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Re: New Toy

Like I said earlier, I got the Cabelas kit. It includes cure, seasonings, casings, and instructions. I tried their jerkey a kit and it worked great. I did that stuff in the oven. The next batch will be done in the smoker.

I bought a few BBQ books and have a bunch of recipes for rubs, glazes, sauces, etc. I am planning to do a brisket tomorrow.

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Re: New Toy

O.K. AJ, guess I missed that you had said it was a "kit"... I know there are several different types of casings.... some are animal/synthetic/, some must be soaked... so on and so forth... do you know what kind of casings came with your kit? How did they work? Thanks... BTW, how did the batch turn out.

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Re: New Toy

I have not made it yet. Here is what Cabelas says about the casings:

"Summer Sausage Casings are mahogany skins for smoking or cooking larger summer sausages. Strings pre-tied on the end. Per 20."

I am going to use the smoker for the first time this afternoon as I do a briskett.

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