buck fever


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i have killed a really nice 6pt and recently in a hunting kamp in pa i shot at three deer 1 running shot at a three corn and 2 times at a big doe. does every hunter get excited everytime, if not there is something wrong leme no

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This I would say is a very natural phenominon(sp) and would venture to say we all even the most experienced hunter experinces this every time we encounter wild game not necessarily just deer...

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Re: buck fever

Cn'Yhntr... Get used to it! It is a very common phenom, as Luke said. It is actually due to an adrenalin release, that causes "constriction" or tightening of the arteries throughout the body... which is actually a benefit to the hunter as it "sharpens" the senses... although, let the adrenalin get out of hand, and like they say, too much of a good thing... isn't necessarily a good thing. Best of luck.

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Re: buck fever

It happens to us all buddy! I thought i was over until i saw a scrub 8 pt the other day that's been running w/ a nice 10 pt. I was waiting for the 10 pt to pop out and was already feeling buck fever and i hadnt even seen the shooter yet. I wouldnt have it any other way though!

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Guest AllArmyoutdoorsSD

Re: buck fever

Buck fever is what keeps me in the woods from sun up to sun set, As a matter of fact that rapid pulse and heavy breathing thing that happens actually helped me harvest my first archery whitetail this year. the deer was directly under me about to go into heavy cover heard me breathing and turned around I had the perfect quartering away shot at 4 yds. I live not for the kill but the rush of seeing nature in all its splendor

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Re: buck fever

I get excited whenever I see a deer, doe or buck.I like seeing deer.It is fun for me. If it gets to the point where it isn't fun & I don't enjoy seeing the deer I think it would be time to hang it up. But I don't see that happening. I have a buddy from up north coming down tomorrow. we are going to hunt all weekend,hopefully with a chance at a nice buck but I am really wanting to get a doe to put in my freezer. It will be a fun weekend.

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Re: buck fever

Especially always early on in the season when I have em get really close I get the shakes and then get it under control. I have learned over the years to quickly calm myself and tell myself it is just a target.

For me the biggest flood of emotion and excitement always hits me right after the shot. The adrenaline kicks in and the ears start ringing and get the cold shakes. Dont look for that to ever go away.

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Guest KSNimrod

Re: buck fever

Everybody is subject to the "fever" sometimes. Jeff Foxworthy misses his first shot at a big whitetail on the new MBXII video. He's hunting with a rifle and he misses the first shot by about 15 yards! He pulls it together though and smokes him on the second shot. Happens to everybody.

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