"Is God here?"


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My family and I went to church Sunday morning and my 8 year old daughter wanted to sit in the front row, so she could see better. About half way through Father Hammond’s homily, my 5 year old son whispers loudly to me, “Is God here?” From the chuckles I heard, he was just loud enough that the people 2 rows back could hear him. :D I whispered to him that God was all around us, and He is in our hearts. He looked around the church, kind of puzzled, and asked, “Is God in that gold box?” pointing at the tabernacle. I told him that God was in there as well, which seemed to answer his questions. He sat there the rest of the time quiet and content. ;)

You've got to wonder what else goes through a 5 year olds head throughout any given day.....:D

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