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the primos mini mag is my #1 howler now, I ahve had great luck with it, did you get the tape withit?It really helps to let oyu understand the different howls, What i do is go out and houw a few hsort howls with a few barks and sit still for a few minutes, if nothign is spotted go to the disress call and a few barks right after the distress and if possable in the middle ,I want to make it sound as real as possable like a coyote is tryign to catch a rabbit or fawn, I fool a round quirte a bit on slower dyas with differnt hows, soem days will go with greetign soem will try callange and in a few weeks will go mainly to a invitation howl or greetings mostly, I will them most of the tiem not even work a distress call couse they will ahve love on the mind mostly!Any single coyote whether female or male will check it out couse they are looking for a mate and see the=t there is one in the area, jsut remember with howling they will usually coem in slower, tat si why i love it down here in the open were I can see a ways and change up according to what is needed to bring them in!!

Well Cory just a few hour drive you and ty jump in the truck and coem on down we will pound a few yotes,I am free this weekend! grin.gifAfter the storm that is coming in tomorrow I am expecting a super wekend, hoping for another dozen or so!! Good luck, any questions let me knwo i will try to help, all I know is everyday i use the howler I get more amazed at whta can be doen with it, BTW if you ahve a double coem in and shoot one grab the howler and blow it to sound like you jsut stepped on your dof=gs tail, even if you just see one still do it and stay put for 5 more minutes at least, you will amazed at what happens if another one is in eharing distance!!

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