Back door gun control attempt?

iron buck

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Looks like our wonderful politicians are at it again, Hillary Clinton, Obama & honerable ;) Ted Kennedy on the OSHA oversight committee are trying backdoor gun control again by going after our ammunition & Reloading powders!

Here is a link to another site that has an in deapth disscussion going on the topic.

I am really starting to believe that the liberals are just trying to annoy everone by "protecting us" from "ourselves". Actuallly..................I think OSHA, being self funded through fines is also going after a big power grab & looking to add job security by making more work for itself & "creating" a problem where one does not exist. As a contractor I have to deal with these nut jobs at least oince a year. If it were left up to them nothing would get finished in this country & it would cost 3x as much to do!!!! Can you say extorsion? PAy them.......and they go away.

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"Back door gun control attempt?"

That's exactly what this is. We MUST let our elected officials from our home states know how we feel about this underhanded slimey backdoor BS.

There is some hope though. There is currently a 60 day extension to allow further research on this topic. You can read more at the link below.


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I guess they did get a lot of flack ........and for good reason! Thank God we have the NRA. It is in situations such as this that they really do well representing ALL gun owners. Even Non NRA members.

Look at some of this things this bill would have brought forth:

The OSHA proposal would have defined “explosives” to include “black powder, … small arms ammunition, small arms ammunition primers, [and] smokeless propellant,” and treated these items the same as the most volatile high explosives.

Under the proposed rule, a workplace that contained even a handful of small arms cartridges, for any reason, would have been considered a “facility containing explosives” and therefore subject to many impractical restrictions. For example, no one could carry “firearms, ammunition, or similar articles in facilities containing explosives … except as required for work duties.” Obviously, this rule would make it impossible to operate any kind of gun store, firing range, or gunsmith shop.

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