Teaching kids to shoot?


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Re: Teaching kids to shoot?

good idea buffett. I had to learn from the kick of shotguns and riffles. Ive had my fair share of scope kisses.

Id take and unloaded gun and take the child out looking for game. Let them dry fire on a critter or two. Not only can they learn to aim and squeeze but you can throw in a couple of tips about tracking etc.....

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Re: Teaching kids to shoot?

I'd say let her learn to shoot with open sites first.I learned to sight with a BB gun when I was 8 and by the time I started using a rifle I had no problem with open sites.Seems to me scopes give a false sense of sercuity,the target is bigger,it looks closer than it is.Being able to hit with open sites builds confindence and that will make learning a scope much easier.Keep in mind that the scope has to be the right distance from your eye to see though it.

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Re: Teaching kids to shoot?

Wtnhunt, I have the same trouble with my kid.Hes seven and been shooting open sights with his bbgun for 2 years now.This year i got him a pelletgun and scope for his birthday.He cant shoot it.Kids that size just arent steady enough to keep things in focus and hit the same spot everytime with a scope.Trying to sight the scope in with him shooting was crazy, there were shots going everywhere, and the whole time he kept telling me things were getting black in the scope when he moved the gun.I took it back off and he was hitting great again with his open sights.

A friend of mine did show me something to help with the eye relief thing.Instead of a 22 scope on his pellet gun he put an old shotgun scope on it he had laying around.The bigger scope made looking through it easier and when my kid looked through it he could see clearly even while moving the gun.And my friend can hit a rabbitt in the head with it at 30 yrds or so, course its a little more powerfull gun than my kids got.

Take it off, let her shoot open sights for awhile, when she gets big enough to hold the gun real steady try a bigger scope, you can pick up a cheap shotgun scope for around 30$ at wallmart.Just an idea smile.gif

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Re: Teaching kids to shoot?

I would start them out shooting a bb gun and once they get where they can aim good and hit what they are aiming at then I would pick them up to a 22. Let them shoot it with open sights at first and then put a scope on it.

Good Luck........

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