My Home Project (sorry dial-uppers)


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Here's my on again off again project I've been working on for the last 2 months. It's been a slow go, because I haven't been feeling well, but it's getting there.

This was what my porch used to look like. We had it surrounded in plastic last winter just to keep the rain out.



Here's my little helper


I ran across a rotten post, and some rotten floor joists that I had to replace in the driveway corner, which was a real pain by myself, because I had to jack up the floor in 2 spots, and the roof in 2 spots, before I started ripping things out.


Then I closed it all in, with 10 windows added


I used to have some rickety old steps in front, but I put in a doorway, in a different spot, and added a nice little sitting deck, out front







It sure looks more like a small house now instead of a


Here's the back



I'm still working at trying to finish the inside.

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That stuff in the back yard was all the stuff I had stored under the porch. I had to get it out so the electrician could wire things up for me. We put 2 base-board heaters in there too.

I had 2 huge piles of driftwood, that I was saving for little art projects, so I narrowed it down to one pile, and got rid of the rest. :D I'm a pack-rat.

I've got the insulation all in now and the ceiling up, but no pics yet

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Thanks folks. I think it's turning out pretty good too. I managed to almost match perfectly the color of the siding to the trailer too, which really helped.

It's funny how the "Honey-do" list always stays the same, as long as you don't do anything, but the minute you start doing stuff, it grows, and grows and grows ...LOL:rolleyes::D

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