I'm now a part time


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BOW TECH!!!!!!!!!!!! As in working at a local archery shop!!!!!!!

I was in Oklahoma Archery last week, and while talking to Mark, I offered up my help anytime he needed it. Well, we talked and he offered me a part time job, working Sat and 2-3 days a week. Well, he called me this afternoon and asked if I could come it tomorrow. I had to go by there this afternoon and ended up setting up my first bow!!!!! This I think is gonna be a good oppurtunity for me. Won't be making alot of money, but the knowledge I will gain will be priceless. Needless to say, I am pumped!!!!!

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Holy cow Oklahoma bows are in trouble now.:D

Jason if you do as good a job on them bows like you do the fish, your going to be pretty good.;)

just be prepared to see all kinds of crazy stuff guys do to there bows. i had fun when i was helping out in the local shop. i didnt get paid, but i got free range time and big discounts on gear.

have fun serving peeps in, tieing on Dloops, putting rests on , make sure you always have a secure grip on each bow if you test shoot them. i had one jump out of my hands and caused me sever embarassment.;)

good luck and let me know what kind of arrows you guys deal in and other gear. i might steer my arrows purchases towards you guys if you sell Goldtips..

Shoot Strong


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