Sight pins....


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I've been shooting my bow a little bit at camp when we take the kids out for archery. My bow is shooting all right...I have the Ex. RT 900 4 pin sight on it. I notice though that I can basically shoot from 10-20 yards with one pin, because when I tried to set a 10 yard pin then a 20 yard pin, my 20 yard pin would have to be really tight with the 10 yard pin in the housing. So what would be a good way to set my 4 pins? 20, 30, 40? 15, 25, 35, 45?

Also it seems like my arrows hit slightly (not much) to the right. I've adjusted my sight all the way so it can't go any further the one way, so I'm thinking it may be me torquing the bow (according to the bubble on my sight) and/or my anchor point. I think I'm going to have a kisser button put on.

Any insight/thoughts?

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JMO...I would set your pins at 15,25,35 and 45.

As far as it hitting slightly to the right.Canting the bow slightly to the left or right will cause arrows to hit lefts and rights. Check your rest. It may need to be moved one way or the other. Another thing to is your string and cables may be slightly stretched out of time a bit and may need to be twisted some.

Take it to a pro shop and have them check these points out for ya.

Hope this helps...

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JMO...I would set your pins at 15,25,35 and 45.

Thats what I have mine set at! Plus the fifth one is set close to about 50 yards. Just guessing here, maybe the center shot is off too. I think a kisser button will help keep your anchor points the same. I shoot with an open hand, fingers pointing at the target. Also pay more attention to that bubble, and keep it center. After a while you wont need that bubble. Paper tune the bow too!

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I set my pins at 20, 30, 40, and 50. I have never shot a deer past 40 but the 50 is great for can really see any little mistakes you are making at that distance. As far as you arrows going to the right I would do as someone has already said...make sure your rest is not off center and paper tune your bow. If you dont know how to do all this take it to a good pro shop...they will be able to help you with anything you need to change in your form too if there is anything.

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Ruth, most modern bows shoot so flat, that the 10 and 20 will be almost identical. which means from about 8 yards to 20 you can just use you 20 yard pin. anything from 5 yards and under will be your 30 yard pin.;)

also you dont have to use all 4 pins like Tominator said. but just use the 4th pin for 3D. you can take the 4th pin out during hunting season or just leave it in in case you might have a chance to put a second arrow in a deer if it offers the opportunity.

i like my sights in the classic fashion. 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60. for my 5 pin sight. but i will only shoot the last 2 only if i have an arrow in a deer and it offers another shot that far.

another option is for you to set a 15, 25 and 35 since 35 will be your maxm the 4th pin could be 45.

lots of options here, just find what works good for you.

Shoot Strong


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