Bow Only Plot

Guest Buckfever1613

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Guest Buckfever1613

I am looking to put in a plot that is around 1/8th to 1/4 of an acre in middle GA and it will be a plot that i will most likely only hunt for a month at max during bow season. I was curious as to what would be the best attraction food plot that only has to last for a month it does not need any attraction after that. Also, when is the best time to plant this so it is ready to hunt for the bow opener. thanks for any help

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oats. They are probably the most attractive of the fall cereal grains. IMO the best "early season" attraction. They die after the first good freeze. Plant about 1 month before bow season starts. At planting fertilize with 50# of 10-20-10--then about 10 days before season fertilize again with another 25#. That will be one attractive plot.

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I personally would take your 1/4 ac. plot and divide it in two. Plant oats like the other gentleman said, but try to put another type of annual like "Secret Spot" or "Winter Greens".

Let your deer tell you what they want and when they want to eat it. You may get more hunting time out of you plot by adding the variety. Good luck.

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