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Got some scent lok lined pants and a shirt for the upcoming season I bought earlier this year. The stuff will stay in the bags they came in inside my totes with my other hunting clothes until I get ready to wash it all closer to season. Think once I have washed the stuff and run it through the dryer to reactivate it, I will store it in large ziploc bags.

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I will store it in large ziploc bags.

thats what i do with mine...wash it right before the season opens and put them in one large ziploc bag (scentblocker jacket, pants, hat, face mask, gloves) and everything else goes into another ziploc bag (boots, safety harness, backpack, t-shirts) and all get stored in a tote bin...

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I never wash my ScentBlocker suit. If it gets muddy or dirty I simply rub it down with a damp wash cloth.

I always store mine in a scent proof storage bag containing a couple old scent waffers when it's not in use. Then just follow the instructions for activating/reactivating the suit on a frequent basis and you should be good to go.

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I never wash my ScentBlocker suit. If it gets muddy or dirty I simply rub it down with a damp wash cloth.

I always store mine in a scent proof storage bag containing a couple old scent waffers when it's not in use. Then just follow the instructions for activating/reactivating the suit on a frequent basis and you should be good to go.

NEVER store your scentblocker, or scentlok suit with any kind of scent wafer. you are defeating the purpose of the suit, its job is to absorb any kind of scent that YOU put out, not the scent a wafer puts out.

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huntdux you've gotten some good advice from these guys. The large zip lock bags are great for long term storage for the off season. But me personally I use a portable airtight scent lok bag. I NEVER wear my scent lok suit to & from my hunting land. I I wear a pair of sweats & tee shirt to my spot, then I get dressed at the tail gate of my truck. I keep my clothes in the storage bag.

After you heat your clothes in the dryer & done hunting I would advise you to spend 20 bucks & buy a portable storage bag.

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I got a dream season suit, gloves, hat and fase mask early this spring on sale. I put everything in a big ziplock bag then inside a rubbermade container with the rest of my hunting stuff.

Never put scent around a carbon suit. You're defeating the purpose of the suit when you do that.

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