Really nice buck -Rough score guesstimate?


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At that distance with velvet its really hard to tell. He never really holds he head still long to see how long the tines could be. Mass is next to impossible to guess with velvet and at that distance.

He does have a nice spread. Lets wait and see how he finishes up, but if he has enough for me to say shoot. ;):)

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A shooter around these parts for sure. Looks really wide, but not very tall, although the brow tines look pretty good, just barely shorter than the length of the ears. As an 8 pointer, guessing he might make the mid 130's if he can add a little more length to those tines.

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He's wide! I think his mass looks pretty darn good too. I think his tine length will increase big time before September. I caught a buck a little smaller than that last summer on my trail camera (in Nebraska). It was about this exact time of year, maybe even later, and his tines were shorter than that. Come fall I actually considered him to have long tines (8 inch g2's and g3's). I think this buck will be between 140 and 150. Maybe slightly over 150 with that width. Let us know what he green scores!

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Guest bowhuntr_15
He's decent???

He'd be close to the state record here in Oklahoma!!


Not to be rude or mean or anything, but hes not anywhere close to the state record here in OK!! He's got ALOT of growing to do if he wants to be!! There are many truly amazing bucks here in Oklahoma if you can find them!!

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I think some of you must be looking at a different video link. I still say he will go at least 140. His antlers are fairly massive and plenty wide. His tines aren't even pointed yet. Why wouldn't they grow a few more inches in the next month? Is that the nose of a 3-D bear target in the right side of the screen?

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