Canadians Drool!!!!


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Re: Canadians Drool!!!!

The drool is from laughing at the US Jr. hockey team and how bad they fell off the rocker by choosing players that have a bit of international experience and not the players that were playing best overall in the Jr. leauges.Too bad mabye next time. grin.gifGO CANADA GO!!!!!!!!!!!! grin.gif

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Re: Canadians Drool!!!!

Seems last year all of the USA cared about hockey,but they were winning last year,as soon as they loose it's who cares about hockey.Also the US team seemed like they were sore loosers,trying to start something when they were down and out.No way to act at and international sporting event.

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Re: Canadians Drool!!!!

Oh my God, I love you friggin Canucks. Some how you find a way to talk smack about American hockey. Throw in a quote from Don Cherry into the mix and it turns classic. smile.gif

Oh by the way, do the Canadians still play in Montreal? I here Houston is looking for a team. Yup....the Houston Canadians, it's got a nice ring to it. MINGA!!!!!!

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Re: Canadians Drool!!!!

Never ever will you see a dynasty Like Montreal head south to play a Canadian game.We have seen only one team in Canada fold it's Organization.It happened ,IMO,from the increase of player salaries.Now because of that there is no hockey.I don't care what anyone says,the so called superstars of hockey are not worth the money they make.If they and the Owners of the NHL loved the game more than the money they would be playing.Enough said!!

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Re: Canadians Drool!!!!

You give me 50 000-100 000 and i'll play my butt off and put all my heart into it because i love the game of hockey.I don't think we will see any hockey this season and probably next season.There is no way they need that much money to live,seeing as they are on the road from Aug-June.I remember when there was only one Million dollar man,and that was a TV show.Now they are everywhere.Especially in sports.Pay them well but not that well and we'll have hockey every year,just like it used to be.

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