mossy oak or realtree? i am a mossy oak


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Re: mossy oak or realtree? i am a mossy oak

I try to match up the pattern that works the best for the time of year and what the foilage is. I used to have MO but it has too many dark colors in it and can look like solid at a certain distance. Might as well wear my black jeans (which I do at times)

I also use Max 4 for deer hunting at a couple of WMA's near home(1 hour drive is near?). It works quite well in the tall grasses .

The test I like to use is right before dawn . The light is not quite ready to reflect the colors and it looks mostly different shades of grey.I look at how my patterns compare to where I am set up to see if I was dressed properly. So that is why I mainly have Realtree patterns. They work the best.

I like the Hardwoods Green HD for springtime. grin.gif

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Re: mossy oak or realtree? i am a mossy oak


I have mossy oak and real tree, I dont make enough $$$ to turn up my nose at the sales and gifts!! For the longest time I ware my BDU bottoms and they worked good for me.

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I got to respect the truth.....also happens to be the way I used to buy my camo I could get other things like treestands and the important stuff like the rifles and shotgun and the bow and the out of state license and the....well you get the point. The hunting has always been the Star I'm after.

One of the reasons I agree so much with the above statement is I would wait until the season was over to shop for clothes. I could get more because of the sales and being a big size was left on the rack(if anything was left) and it was more affordable.

One day I hope to get a full outfit in HD Green....I wont stop hunting in the mean time though.

I had the fun of taking a great Turkey this past spring....I was wearing my newest Advantage Timber Outfit and my Turkey Vest was Mossy Oak Obssesion...I set-up behind a stump and that worked out for me( I geuss you could say I was using REALTREE....just a really short one).

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Re: mossy oak or realtree? i am a mossy oak


Never owned anything but my free BDU's from the good ol' days in the army. The wife just seems to keep too tight of a grip on the funds for me to use anything else....

OOOOOhhh ! the wonders of being married...LOL

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I can't complain... my wife let's me get the hunting gear I "need" grin.gif Of course it comes at the price of "keeping her happy"... but, I guess... she's happy... I'm happy... one big happy home... yahoooooo grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: mossy oak or realtree? i am a mossy oak

Good post. I wear mostly realtree, but I also understand by some members, (Canada), that it is hard to get. I guess you buy what is available. My opinion, RT is by far the best, M.O. is good, and alot of times comes cheaper. confused.gif Do what I do, **** to the store about not having more R.T. that is all we can do crazy.gif


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Re: mossy oak or realtree? i am a mossy oak

I have both. I really like the new Realtree Hardwoods Grey HD. I by what has got the better price as well. Mossy Oak has been lagging behind the last couple of years. My Realtree collection has been getting bigger and bigger. Just got a new pair of bibs in the hardwoods grey HD, water proof, and insulated for 60 bucks.

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Re: mossy oak or realtree? i am a mossy oak

I love my realtree, but the new HD stuff has a few to many sharp lines for my liking, I normally soften it up with a bit of black spray paint. MO is way to dark for most of the hunting i do, And i also tried that seclusion 3D stuff....junk i was nailed three times by does that looked right up at me when i was wearing it. Back to the realtree.

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Guest knight

Re: mossy oak or realtree? i am a mossy oak

Realtree all the way, you want catch me wearing any other brand of camo! Realtree just seems to always have the best blending camo out there bar none.

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Re: mossy oak or realtree? i am a mossy oak

My brother and I both go with Realtree and Advantage. Our ScentLok suits are Advantage Timber. HD Green in the spring for turkeys. My heavy camo bibs and coat are original Hardwoods. Basically we do our part to keep Realtree in business with all the camo shirts, pants, etc. we buy. grin.gif

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Re: mossy oak or realtree? i am a mossy oak

Natural Gear

Actually, I own a little of everything. MO, MO Forest Floor, Advantage Timber, Advantage Wetlands, Max-4, Realtree HD, and of course Natural Gear.

I generally place a higher regard for the function of the garment rather than the camo it comes in. For some reason, the bulk of the garments that I buy for function are offered in either MO or Advantage Timber.

I actually only own one RT garment, a shirt.

I've got several things in Natural Gear as they seem to have expanded their market in the last couple years. That pattern just works amazing in Indiana during deer seasons.

If I'm not wearing Natural Gear, then generally, it will be Advantage Timber.

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