Witnessing to my dad... prayers needed


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Hey guys,

In 3 weeks I'll be getting married! I am truly excited and amazed by whom God has put into my place. She truly is amazing and it's just nice to find someone who is in their walk with Christ and not comfortable just staying there but moving up.

Anyways, I'm sure during the time before the ceremony starts, I'll have some time to talk with my dad. I really do care about my dad and really would like to see him make Jesus the Lord of his life. His dad, my grandfather, passed away this February of cancer and my grandfather was a Christian man.

So if you can just pray for me and for him. I defintely want to be a good witness and hopefully not cower away from talking to him. Even if it's just to say a few words or so. So if you can guys I'd appreciate it. Thanks guys.

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Jaret...man I know where you are coming from.....

Congrats on the marriage! As far as your dad goes......I am in that situation now. My dad and I used to be very close, but after I got married......Things just got bad.

He is not a Christian and I have tried to talk to him about it......the last two times he got very deffensive and mad. So for now I have left things alone and pray daily that God will give me the words and wisdom to talk to him again. To say the right things.

I will be praying for you and also pray that God will soften your dad's heart on that day! May He give you the strength and courage and may the Holy Spirit work through you!

God bless!


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