New Shrink Fletch

Guest Mathews Archer

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Guest Mathews Archer

I tried some of these nifty things today and they work amazingly...i want to know if any of you have use them and what is your success?

8 pt. 2006 (3).JPG


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I've had pretty good success with the Extreme shrink flectings on my aluminums.Been shooting them through my biscuit for 2 years now,and the only had 1 come off,but that was because I didn't install it right.I hope you like them...put a few months of shooting on them and give us a report.

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I tried a dozen of those things and had nothing but a headache, with them coming off .... :mad::(

IMHO ,,, Wrap and Fletch your own ,, you'll have a better color selection to choose from, you won't be limited on what brand of fletch to use,, and you get to choose the mounting configuration of your fletch... and beside that it's a great hobbie and fun ... :cool::);)

And by golly Joe you are right.... this is right off thier website...


7120 Rt. 60, Suite B - Ashland, KY 41102

606) 928-9447 - Fax (606) 929-5707


Limited Lifetime Warranty

Extreme Archery Products, Inc. guarantees its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for the lifetime of the product to the original purchaser. All warranty claims will be deemed viable by Extreme Archery Products, Inc. and repaired or replaced at the discretion of Extreme Archery Products, Inc. Excluded from this warranty is the Shrink Fletch line or any product with signs of misuse as well as any other camo finish. All warranty claims must be shipped prepaid with a valid RA# to Extreme Archery Products, Inc. and be accompanied by proof of purchase receipt.

Return Policies

Returns will be subject to a 20% restock fee and must have an approved RA# from the factory.

Shipping Policies

Please allow 2-3 days for processing of ALL orders placed, Before they will be shipped.

EXTREME ARCHERY PRODUCTS, INC. Ships UPS ground. There is Express shipping available for a flat rate of $15.00 + regular shipping charges.


Here's the link to that very page...

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I don't hardly think they can give a lifetime warranty on fletchings...does anybody offer that?:confused:IMO arrows and components are things that just were out over time and use.Lifetime warranty wouldn't make sense on cunsumable parts like these.I could see this warranty being more related to sights and things along those lines that are made to last a long time.

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I don't hardly think they can give a lifetime warranty on fletchings...does anybody offer that?:confused:IMO arrows and components are things that just were out over time and use.Lifetime warranty wouldn't make sense on cunsumable parts like these.I could see this warranty being more related to sights and things along those lines that are made to last a long time.

I don't want to hijack this thread and get off topic here... but we aren't talking about the lifetime of this product.. and NOR would we or anyone expect it to be covered for life, but when you just purchase a product and when you try to use it and it fails,,, I would think that the company would honor their Limited Warranty against DEFECTS policy that they have for every other product ... ;)

And when the company explicitly writes this exclusion into their warranty policy like Extreme Products has, to me this is like knowing that the product has a propensity to fail and don't want to get flooded with reimbursements ,,, and say to the consumer too bad.. ;)

Example ,, I recently bought some AAE 4" Fletching that wouldn't stick to my GT Shafts, so I contacted AAE by email and let them know of the problem,which they were already aware that existed took care of me by sending me replacements ... ;);) To me this is the least we should expect from a reputable manufacture .. ;)

I hope you see my point in all of my rambling .. :D;)

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